Efficient Surveying
We take great pride in the work we do for our clients, and we love to show off our efforts. Check out the projects we have completed to see the type of work we do and the interactions we have while on the job. We love working with clients in our own community, and we pride ourselves on friendly service and quality surveying. Based in
Dubbo, we operate throughout Western NSW including
Parkes and
In 2019, Wellington Memorial Pool underwent a major redevelopment (approx. $8.3M) which involved demolishing everything except the original entry and swim clubhouse and starting from scratch. The new construction included three new pools and new entry, administration, amenities and clubhouse facilities. Western Survey was engaged by the construction contractor for all construction setout and as-built surveys – which included a new 8 lane 50m Pool that was constructed to FINA’s international standards.
Wellington Christian School (Montefiores NSW) required a detail survey of the whole school site (inside and out) in order to help them design future works. Western Survey completed this survey which captured the external site features such as property boundaries, building locations and heights, services and ground levels as well as all the door and window locations and levels. This survey was provided in plan and digital formats. The school could then pass this information onto design consultants to accurately and efficiently design future works to be completed on the site.
In 2019, Peak Gold Mines in Cobar completed a $37M upgrade of their lead and zinc processing facility. Western Survey surveyed and setout all the ground works, concrete and hold down bolt locations during the construction of this upgrade. This project required millimetre precision, as the client had to provide a highly accurate product so that prefabricated steel works could be placed with on the foundations without any issues.
As part of approximately 5km of road upgrades on Muronbung Road, Gollan, Dubbo Regional Council required this road to be widened. Western Survey was engaged to facilitate these road widenings. This involved liaising with land owners, Council, construction crews and registering the survey plans to widen the road reserve.